DETECTA: Safe, User-friendly Parking and Access control
Intelligent Number Plate Recognition
Access to various places, whether retail, commercial or industrial, invariably have a security component, a financial component, and a management component. The need for an accurate, affordable automatic number plate recognition system is at the highest it has ever been.
Detecta offers you the ability to identify vehicles by number plates. It requires no additional investment on the part of the vehicle owner, is enforced by traffic laws, and can be used in a variety of applications.
The success of the Detecta automatic number plate recognition solution lies in the fact that it is:
State-of-the-Art Features
Vehicle Make Identification
Vehicle Make Identification is the ability to extract a vehicle make, and sometimes the model from a video feed. It uses intelligent algorithms to obtain a result, which can then be compared to local or cloud-based databases to improve security. A practical example of this is when a person enters a parking lot with a Volkswagen Polo, but leaves with the same number plate but in a BMW vehicle. This should raise flags for security to follow up on.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition
Automatic Number Plate Recognition is the ability to extract number plate information automatically from a camera feed. It uses advanced algorithms to accurately obtain the information contained in a video and then compares the information with local or cloud-based databases for analyses.
Vehicle Colour Identification
Additional features include vehicle colour detection as well as a sophisticated means to ensure that drivers actually look into the camera when triggering the device. This is done through a face detection system which could be upgraded to include facial recognition if required.
Driver Facial Recognition
In addition to number plate capture, the system is able to capture an image of the driver’s face as well as an overview of the vehicle itself. The system is able to integrate seamlessly with a face detection system that includes facial recognition if required.
Trailblazing Vehicle Management
ANPR need not only be a security measure, it can enhance the environment to the benefit of drivers and building owners alike. Security systems do not have to be a separate, yet necessary “grudge” purchase, but rather a desirable, integrated business tool that offers valuable information whilst adding assurance, comfort and convenience features to both sides of the parking garage user spectrum. Want more info on Detecta? Click the button below.
Typical applications include: